Your Generosity is Changing the World
When you give to First Christian Church, you give through the church to show God’s love in practical ways locally and globally by helping people find hope, purpose, and a place to belong.
The easiest and best way to give.
You can give simply and securely online, make your gift recurring, use Apple Pay, and more! Download the Church Center app and link it to First Christian Church, or give online here.
Why Do We Give?
Because we believe the church is God’s “Plan A" for rescuing others and changing the world, and His people should lead the way with radical generosity, knowing that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
What’s Your Next Step?
When you begin to realize that everything you have is a gift from God, and that your blessings are actually opportunities to bless others as well, you will be moved to make a difference through generosity. What kind of giver will you be?
Watchful Giver (Proverbs 19:17)
You experience the joy of generosity by deciding to give for the first time, or by giving to a special project or initiative that moves you.Willing Giver (1 Corinthians 16:2)
You make generosity a priority in your life by committing to give any amount on a regular basis (we recommend setting up recurring giving) through our giving platform, Planning Center.Wholehearted Giver (Deuteronomy 14:33)
You fuel the mission of the church by giving 10% of your income (what the Bible calls a “tithe”) to the local church as an act of worship, prioritizing God through your financial commitments.World-Changing Giver (1 Tim. 6:17-19)
You are excited to leverage your gift of generosity to fuel ministry by giving an offering above and beyond your tithe.
Four Ways to Give
You can give via cash or check in an envelope (available in the seats) in the giving boxes on a Sunday morning, or by mailing your gift to:
First Christian Church
6900 Market Ave. N
Canton, OH 44721
You can give online through our secure online giving portal. You can send a one-time gift, or choose to set up a recurring donation.
You can also text any number to 84321 to give with your mobile phone.
Generosity Report
End-of-Month Report - January 2025
Average Weekly Giving in January
Weekly Budgeted Need
Total Giving YTD
Budgeted Need YTD
First-Time Givers in 2025: 21
Total Unique Givers in 2025: 507
Recurring Givers in 2025: 160
Financial Education
Are you looking for ways to grow in generosity? Do you need practical tools to learn about money management, paying off debt, or planning for the future? Learn more about the help and hope that’s available through FCC’s finance ministry.
When you tithe, you’re trusting God with your finances.
Tithing is a biblical principle. God calls us to give the first 10% of our income back to Him. We’ve seen God provide abundantly in our church, and we believe He will provide abundantly for you and your family when you put Him first in your finances. In fact, it’s the one area in the Bible where God tells you to test Him.
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Malachi 3:10 NIV -
Yes, your donation is tax-deductible! We are a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
At the beginning of each year in January, we send a statement of your past year’s giving to everyone who has given at least $250 (the minimum that can be claimed) so you can claim it on your taxes. You can log into our online giving platform any time to see your giving information thus far.
Online giving is 100% safe and secure. Every transaction is protected by the same tools and encryption used by banks and large corporations. In geeky security terms, our online giving meets PCI Level 1 compliance, which is the highest level of safety currently available for transactions online.
Absolutely! First Christian relies not only on financial support to function, but also volunteer hours and donated goods and services.
To give your time by volunteering, you can visit our serving page.
To donate clothes or household items to our Common Goods store, visit the assistance page.
To offer goods or services or that might be needed but aren’t listed here, please contact our Chief Financial Officer, Joe Beltz, at jbeltz@firstchristian.com.
Every ministry that takes place at First Christian is only possible because of the generosity of people like you who partner financially with our church. Every cent goes to provide outstanding programming for hundreds of kids and students each Sunday, allow Sunday services to present the gospel in an excellent and relevant way, sponsor missionaries around the world, continue operations for our Common Goods store which provides 500 families with clothes every month, and hire great staff to help lead and serve our ministries. Every month, we publish The Monthly, which outlines the amounts that have been budgeted and given month-to-month—you can pick one up any Sunday for more details.
Currently, you can designate donations to general ministry (all ministry activity), benevolence (money that helps area families in need), and missions (global and regional mission work). We intentionally keep it to only a few options, because we don’t want to show favoritism or foster competition within ministry. If you have in mind to make a special donation to the church outside of these three categories, please contact our Chief Financial Officer, Joe Beltz, at jbeltz@firstchristian.com.
Click here to log in to view your records and access annual giving statements at any time.