World Changer Team

It’s impossible to out-give God, but you’ll never regret trying.

Fueling the mission through generosity.

God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn, like grace and forgiveness. He gave the ultimate gift, His son, for our sins. When you hear us talk about irrational generosity, ​​that’s what we mean. God created you with a generous spirit. We want to help you embrace it by giving beyond your tithe with an offering to a cause or ministry that resonates with you on a deeper level.

The World Changer Team is an opportunity for those with the gift of giving to fuel the Kingdom through the local church, above and beyond their tithe. The World Changer Team regularly learns and engages with new initiatives and projects in key ministry areas of the church.

What do “World Changers” do?

Members of the World Changer Team are committed to:

  • Tithing to the general fund, and then giving an offering above and beyond the tithe to a World Changers “lane”, an area of focus that equips the church to build the Kingdom and change the world for generations to come.

  • Attending World Changers Team Rallies annually to hear updates on the vision and how the team’s support is helping to accomplish our goals.

  • Exercising the spiritual gift of generosity (Romans 12:4-8) recognizing that giving with a cheerful heart is an act of worship and gratitude (2 Corinthians 9:7)

World Changer “Lanes”

NextGen Ministries
Helping our Kids Ministry, Student Ministry, and Disability Ministry teams create great first impressions, provide clean, safe, fun environments, and make sure finances are never a barrier to go to camp or on a mission trip.

Local and Global Missions
Bring hope and healing to a hurting world by providing relief to people in crisis and transforming lives through relationships. Your gifts to Local & Global Missions will help our church take action alongside like-minded mission partners in our communities and around the world.

Fuel the effort to reach people who don’t know Christ and build the Kingdom by providing physical and digital gathering spaces that serve as community hubs for ministry to happen outside of the normal weekend services. Specifically, this lane church multiplication through multisite launches and church planting. Currently, we are working toward the launch of a new campus in Meyers Lake.

How do I become a “World Changer”?

It’s simple. Send us an email and let us know which lane you’d like to commit to support with your “above and beyond” offerings. We’ll respond with a custom like you can use to give safely and securely online. You’ll also be added to a communications list so you can stay in the loop with the great things that are happening in the ministries that are supported by you and the others who are giving in your “lane”!

The easiest and best way to give.

You can give simply and securely online, make your gift recurring, use Apple Pay, and more! Download the Church Center app and link it to First Christian Church, or give online here.