Disability Ministry
All people means all people.
When we say we’re a church where Jesus is for “all people”—we mean it in every sense. That’s why we work hard to create environments where people with disabilities can participate, serve, and feel valued through weekly events, special events, and community involvement.
God is changing me, but I don’t think He is done changing me. I used to not volunteer for anything, but since the Kingdom Builders mission trip, it’s just been awesome. I’m starting a Bible study for people with disabilities. I want to give God all the credit.
- Nick Doll
Weekly Ministry
A talented team of teachers, parents, counselors, and professionals deliver the gospel using a variety of creative methods based on individual needs.
Shine ministry for youth (ages 3-18) with disabilities meets in Playland on Sunday, at 9am and 11am.
Kingdom Builders class for adults with disabilities meets in Heritage Hall on Sunday, 9:30am.
Day Services programming to help enrich and empower the lives of adults with disabilities through faith, fitness, arts, community integration, and work readiness takes place Monday-Friday at First Christian.
Special Events
At FCC, we love getting together any chance we get. Several of the events we have each year are designed specifically for people with disabilities.
Respite Night is a monthly event the first Friday of every month during the school year where parents and family members are provided a free night away while their kids have a blast at the church. Children are paired with a buddy for the evening, play games, and participate in fun activities.
Social Gatherings happen throughout the year. We have dances like Cafe Disco in September, Christmas parties, bowling nights, and other chances to hang out and make friends.
Mission Trips for people with disabilities offer unique, out of state, opportunities for our friends to go on mission serving God and others.
Community Involvement
We’re here to make a difference in our community. There are several avenues through which we work toward this goal in the disabilities community.
Edgewood Field exists for use by children and adults with varying disabilities. It serves as the home field for Stark Public Special Olympics Softball. Volunteer opportunities are available each spring and summer. Families using Edgewood field are invited to use the ADA-accesible playground on the south side of our building
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