Kids Ministry
Your kids are gonna love this!
We believe the next generation is not the church of tomorrow, but the church of today! We are intentional about creating a church that your children will love just as much as you do.
Every Sunday at FCC, kids from newborn old to 5th grade experience clean, safe, fun, and age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in creative and relevant ways. We are passionate about teaching kids about Jesus on their level so that they understand who he is and how much he loves them.
We would love for your family to visit First Christian Church and check out Kid’s Ministry this Sunday!
Birth - PreK Programming
Kids in early childhood grow to know God in safe, age-appropriate environments. Children just-born through one year old experience Jesus’ love as approved volunteers care and pray over them. Children two years old through Preschool are introduced to the wonder of God’s word through hands-on activities, energetic songs, and creative storytelling. Early childhood rooms are open during both services. Check-in in at the Kids Forest, and drop off and pick up your child at their classroom.
K - 3rd Grade Programming
The quest to know God continues in K-3rd! This age group begins each service having fun and getting focused in a small-group time in their classrooms then move into a large-group time of interactive worship and engaging teaching. Elementary rooms are open during both services. You can sign-in at a self check-in computer in the Kids Forest or the Lower Level, and drop-off and pick-up is at your child’s classroom.
4th - 5th Grade Programming
Kids in 4th and 5th are starting to merge into the preteen years and a closer relationship with Jesus. After check-in, this age group starts the service in the Worship Center (with family or approved group leaders) before moving to the pre-teen room for teaching and application. This is available during both services. Check in at the Kids Forest, and pick-up in the pre-teen room. This group will begin in the auditorium. We’d also love to have you at MERGE, our weekly gathering for 4th-5th grade students on Wednesday nights. We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm in the lower level for games, and to talk about faith, life, and Jesus. Ask to join our Facebook page, First Christian Kids Merge for updates and information.
Disability Ministry Programming
Shine is created specifically for kids (ages 3-18) with disabilities. A team of amazing volunteers will deliver the Gospel to your child in a variety of creative ways based upon the individual needs of your child. Shine is available during the 9 & 11am service. We value you and your kids, because Jesus is for all people! Check-in at Kids Forest, drop-off and pick-up at Playland.

New Families
Checking in for the first time only takes about five minutes. Look for the bright orange check-in stations. We’ll meet your family, check your child into our database system, and one of our staff or volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room. We’ll ask for some basic family info. You can save even more time on Sunday - RSVP your family today!

We are thrilled when your child accepts Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and wants to be baptized. We want to ensure your child fully understands the commitment they are making, so here is a home experience to work through together as a family. Along with the videos, you can download the workbook to do together as well! If you believe your child is ready to be baptized, set up an appointment with one of our Kid’s Ministry team members.
Parent Dedication
They give parents the opportunity to publicly dedicate their children to God, committing to raise them in ways that honor Him, and the church family agrees to support each family in this endeavor. We normally dedicate children aged 2 and under, however we will also dedicate children who are older in unique circumstances. If you have any questions about these requirements or would like to talk about dedicating an older child, please contact our Kid’s Ministry team.
Weekly Parent Resources
Download the Parent Cue App for resources to go along with what your child is hearing and learning about each Sunday at church. The app is designed to help every parent do something each week to help move their children toward a deeper faith and a better future.
Volunteer in Kids Ministry
When you serve on the KidMin team, you change lives! You plant seeds that will flourish as each child grows. Kids love meeting Jesus in Kids Ministry and you will too! To join the KidMin volunteer team, complete the form below and one of the Kids Ministry staff members will be in touch soon.