We take steps toward Jesus together.

Whether you’re new to faith, new to FCC, or not new at all, our hope is that you’re taking steps forward in your walk with Jesus and your involvement with your church family.

We want to help you take those steps to grow your faith by connecting you with people who are taking the same steps you are. That’s what healthy church community looks like, and that’s what you’ll find at FCC.

Our Discipleship Pathway is intentionally built to make it easy for you to identify your next step and take action. And you should know that we’re here to help guide you on your faith journey.

We’re cheering you on!

Explore >> Connect >> Engage

What is a “disciple”?

We believe every person is meant to take steps forward in their walk with Jesus. Some of those steps are individual and personal, and some are taken in community with other people who are also following Jesus. We want to help people become “all in disciples” of Jesus Christ.

Our definition of an “all in disciple” comes from Matthew 4:19, where Jesus invited some people to follow him by saying, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” We define an all in disciple as someone who knows and follows Jesus (“Come, follow me”), who is being changed by Jesus (“and I will make you”), and who is committed to Jesus’ mission (“fishers of men”).

Explore, Connect, Engage

For many people, the challenge is not knowing that you should take steps forward in your faith, but it’s in knowing what steps to take. But we don’t think it’s supposed to be a mystery. To help you identify your next step, we’ve created a “Discipling Pathway”. This is simply an organized plan for what steps you can take at FCC to find hope, experience community, and live with purpose. Think of it like a map you can follow to find your way forward.

The pathway is organized into three sections, each one with some steps you can take:

  • The first steps are meant to help you explore faith and the church. We believe that as people explore, they will find hope and ultimately choose to follow Jesus.

  • The second set of steps are meant to help you connect to others in the church. We believe that as people connect, they will experience community and ultimately grow in faith together.

  • The third set of steps will help you engage in the work of the church. We believe that as people engage, they will discover and live out the unique God-given purpose for their life.

This page contains links to several of those steps so you can check them out for yourself and even choose right now to take a step. If you have questions, want more information, need help connecting, or just want some encouragement and coaching, you can always reach out to our team by emailing nextsteps@firstchristian.com. We’re cheering you on!

Step 1 - Explore and Find Hope

Step 2 - Connect and Find a Place to Belong

Step 3 - Engage and Live with Purpose