Food & Clothing Assistance
How To Get Help With Clothing
Common Goods is our clothing assistance store open throughout the week. You can find the specific hours below. Donate items at any time by placing them in the small shed behind the building.
Bring your photo ID.
For your first visit, bring one of these items for each child: Medical card, birth certificate, school report card.
Bring custody papers (if you are not the child’s parent).
Park and enter main entrance at the Community Life Center, where someone will help you fill out an application (your information will be stored in our system for at least a year).
You may receive clothing items once per month.
How To Get Help With Food
Food distribution takes place each 3rd Friday of the month from 9:30-11:30am at First Christian Church Community Life Center (6900 Market Ave. N, Canton, OH 44721; located behind main building).
Bring your photo ID.
Distribution is currently operating as a drive-thru experience. Please drive under the overhang where people will be waiting to distribute food to you.
Anyone receiving food must be eligible according to federal poverty guidelines.
Read the “And Justice For All” non-discriminatory notice.
Location and Hours / Ubicación y Horario
First Christian Church Community Life Center (Building behind First Christian Church)
6852 Market Ave. N
Canton, OH 44720
Common Goods Hours / Horario de la Common Goods
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:30am-1:30pm / Lunes, Martes y Jueves 10:30am a 1pm
3rd Thursday of each month: 5-7pm / La 3º Jueves por la noche 5 a 7pm
*Common Goods is closed during certain holidays and when Plain Local Schools close due to bad weather / Common Goods estará cerrada durante ciertos días festivos y también cuando las Escuelas de Plain Local cierran para el mal tiempo
Food Distribution Hours / Horario de Distribución de Alimentos
3rd Friday of each month: 9:30-11:30am
El día de distribución de alimentos es el tercer viernes de cada mes de 9:30 a 11:30 am en la entrada C en la parte trasera de la iglesia.