To the Ends of the Earth

The New Testament church was a powerful movement of people who loved each other and shared the hope of Jesus with people around them every day. Because of the way they moved together, not only were people saved every day, but thousands of years later we continue to carry on their mission as we stand on their shoulders. This series will examine five hallmarks that defined this early church, and help us focus on how to make sure these same hallmarks define us as part of the movement that Jesus commissioned and sent out to carry his good news to all people - to the ends of the earth.

Part 1 - Empowered by the Spirit (Acts 1:8; 2:1-13)

Part 2 - Inspired by the Message (Acts 2:22-24; 37-41)

Part 3 - Emboldened by Prayer (Acts 4:23-31)

Part 4 - Unified by the Cross (Acts 4:32-25)




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