We are excited to announce that a new campus of First Christian Church - the Hope Center at Meyers Lake - is coming soon! We will update this page with progress updates and information about how you can support and be a part of this exciting new Kingdom initiative.
Another exciting progress update will be coming soon. In the meantime, this Vision Night Recap will catch you up on what’s ahead for our Meyers Lake location.
Get Involved
Some exciting opportunities to be a part of the Hope Center at Meyers Lake will be announced soon. In the meantime, here are a few ways you can begin to partner in this new vision God has given to our church.
The Hope Center at Meyers Lake is located at 1600 Whipple Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio.
When we launch, we will share our building with Ace Hardware.
This is the perfect spot for our new campus: more than 15,000 cars drive past every day, we’re located near the highway, we have great frontage on a major road, and public transportation is readily available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Survey statistics tell us that more than 55,000 people who live within five miles of Meyers Lake have no faith involvement or connection with a church. Simply put, that’s not ok with us!
We have committed as a church to do whatever we can to reach as many people as we can with the good news that Jesus is for all people.
We are excited to partner with the other great churches in the area to help continue the work of reaching people for Jesus on the southwest side of our city so that the Kingdom of God will grow and more people will be in Heaven as a result!
It won’t be a secret that this is a campus location of First Christian Church, but we want it to be clear to everyone who drives by or visits this new campus that it’s all about people finding hope in Jesus Christ.
By naming this location the “Hope Center”, it puts our mission and vision front-and-center.
As we prepare to launch this campus, our hope is to build a team of 100-150 people who will commit to attend, volunteer, give, and be in a group as part of this local church family. If you’d like to be a part of that team, stay tuned - an opportunity to commit to that and get involved will be coming later this year.
We’re also building a team of people who are committed to praying consistently over this new campus. If you’d like to join the prayer team, click on the “Commit to Pray” button above.
Over the next few months, we’ll be working with architects and designers to create plans for a space that will serve the community and allow people to gather in worship.
This will require us to turn a very rough space into an excellent facility. We’ll have to build restrooms, a lobby, Kids’ Ministry spaces, a multi-purpose auditorium, a front entrance, etc.
We will have much more information about the upcoming renovations, including renderings and budget, over the next few months.
We are as excited as you are about this new location, and we can’t wait for you to see it! As soon as we can, we will have a virtual tour available. And before you know it, we’ll be ready for an open house where you’ll get to tour the location in person. Stay tuned!
We are in the process of designing this new campus, working with some incredible architects. Once we have this part of the process completed, we’ll share some updates about the timeline and next steps. One thing is for sure: we can’t wait to welcome people into this new location, so we will open the doors just as soon as everything is ready to launch well!
We would love to answer all of your questions. We’ll happily share as much as we can in person, via email, phone, or in person. If you’d like to speak to someone to ask a question or get more information, email xp@firstchristian.com and we’ll respond asap.